For many years the French, quite sportingly, have told drivers if there was a speed camera ahead. Unlike the UK, that seems to have ten times more speed camera signs than actual cameras, if you saw a speed camera sign in France, there would have been one.
This attitude has now changed and as well as the introduction of several hundred un-marked cameras there are now strict laws banning the use of speed camera detection devices. This obviously effects the vast majority of drivers who now rely on sat-navs. Drivers must ensure that they have any speed camera warning facility disabled before entering France. Details of how to do this should be available from the sat-nav manufacturer, vehicle maker or on the internet.
There’s still some debate as to whether the police would regard a road atlas with speed cameras marked as a violation of the law. Perhaps a bored officer on a lonely road on Sunday may take a different view to a busy motorway patrol – who knows – this is France.